I was interested in how TiddlySpace was going for using mGSD after seeing 

My hope was to find the simplest method of hosting a mGSD for member 
approved shared editing.

I created a space with their tiddlywiki app.  I then imported all tiddlers 
of one of my active mGSD files into that Tiddlywiki and presto it seems to 
work well. Just one fix and 2 issues to workaround so far.

1) Fix mgtdList problem: Add a systemConfig tiddler with one line "function 
forceReflow() {} " (no quotes) as suggested here 

2) View Template update message: I get a message "Updated 
config.mptwDateFormat?config.mptwDateFormat:"2/22/12"" instead of the 
regular tiddler update message notification. Not sure of cause and did not 
see a relevant difference in ViewTemplate tiddler of mGSD to the stock 
standard TiddlySPace tiddlywiki but it is not serious enough for me to 
track down further yet.

3) New mGSD related tiddler creation: If you use mGSD + tools to create 
Actions, Ticklers, Projects and References then automatic creation of the 
required tiddler tags is faulty. It creates tag area with content like this 
"[[Action Next [[]] +config.macros.mgtdList.getRealm()+']]' ". NO WORRIES 
as just delete the tag bar content in edit mode of the new tiddler and 
replace with the relevant Tag being Actions, Ticklers, Projects or 
References and save and click relevant displayed settings in that tiddler 
to add additional setting tags.

And just make sure you save changes before departure. Some tickler data 
updates and check-box clicks for completed tiddlers do not persist unless 
other tiddler saves have occurred.

Its looking like a possible alternative for mGSD hosting with shared 
editing. Just need to resolve those issues assuming they are the only ones. 
Has anyone got a mGSD working cleanly at TiddlySpace?

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