Hi David,
Your example prompted me to create a new useful tool for myself - thanks!  
Here are a couple of things I found along the way, in case they're helpful:

I think you can "Make New Agenda Items Specific to Project" by adding the 
following to mGSDMeetingEnhancementsPlugin (somewhere around the line about 
darn you subprojects):

if (abList.contains('AgendaItem') ) {
                    var foo2 = 
                    if (foo2.length > 0) {
                        abExtra += ' [[' + foo2[0] + ']]';

I also wanted new meetings to inherit the realm, so I edited the following 

getRealm: function(tiddlerTitle) {

                        // if we're in a project inherit the realm from the 
                        var inTiddler = store.fetchTiddler(tiddlerTitle);
                        if (inTiddler && inTiddler.tags.contains('Project')) {

so that the last line reads: 
*if (inTiddler && 
inTiddler.tags.contains('Project')||inTiddler.tags.contains('Meeting'))) {



On Wednesday, February 22, 2012 1:36:10 PM UTC-6, David Szego wrote:
> One more very useful update to help plan and manage your meetings in mGSD: 
> *AgendaItems *can now be added to multiple meetings, and tagged as 
> "discussed" individually at each meeting.
> This is very handy in real-life use, where you need to revisit an item in 
> subsequent meetings, and keep track of where it was discussed or missed.
> This also adds two very powerful and useful tagging functions to 
> *mgtdListEnhanced 
> *and elsewhere:
>    - <<delist [[TiddlerToRemoveFromList]] "Prompt">> lets you click an 
>    [X] button to remove a Tiddler from the mgtdListEnhanced without deleting 
>    the Tiddler.
>       - The button created has a hover comment "Prompt 
>       TiddlerToRemoveFromList from parent.tiddler.title", i.e. "Uninvite Joe 
> Blow 
>       from Example Meeting"
>       - This un-tags TiddlerToRemoveFromList with the name of the Tiddler 
>       where this function is called from (opposite of the <<addButtonTags>> 
>       function in *mgtdListEnhanced*)
>       - <<toggleTagPrefix TagPrefix TiddlerToTag>> to tag / untag 
>    specified TiddlerToTag with [[TagPrefixparent.tiddler.title]] i.e. 
>    "Discussed@MeetingName"
> Try it for yourself at http://thinkcreatesolve.biz/mGSDEnhancements.htmland 
> post your feedback!
> Cheers,
> David Szego

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