Hi all, 

I am a PhD student and I'm thinking about  starting to use a tiddlywiki 
(probably mGSD) to help me getting things done, and keeping a track of my 
This tiddlywiki would be both a tool to apply the GTD method, and a science 
notebook, with (organised) notes, references to articles, etc.
My first question is : would you use two tiddlywikis to separate the two 
"functions", or do you think it is OK to have a single file (because of 
course my scientific notes can imply future actions/projects)
The second question (relative to the subject of this post) : how to make a 
report of what have been achieved during last week/month ? Do I have to 
make journal entries ( which are, according to my understanding, simple 
tiddlers with a date as title) ? Or is there an attribute of 'creation 
date' for all the tiddlers that could be used to sort and filter the 
tiddlers ? If such an attribute exists, is it automaticaly updated on 
tiddlers modifrication ?

Thank you for your help ...

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