On Fri, Dec 04, 2009 at 08:51:54PM +0000, Carlos Pereira wrote:
>> I'm really not working on it - mainly for three reasons: 1) if you want to
>> use GL, GtkGlExt is "good enough" and integrating it into gtk+ it's not a
>> good idea;
> 2) GtkGlExt is good enough for GTK-2.0, I never had a single problem with 
> 4) Scientific/engineering applications often use OpenGL,

Exactly.  I've been using GtkGLExt in a scientific app for years and I'm
quite happy with it.  Cutter does not cut it if you need to visualize
scientific data in 3D.

Unfortunately, scientific/engineering apps seems to *be* niche use.  Look
at how hard SourceForge tries to hide this software category even though
it contains 50× more projects than VoIP which is promimently displayed...

So I hope something like GtkGLExt will continue to be available, whether
it's called GtkGLExt or not and is integrated into Gtk+ or not.


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