
I'd like to point out a couple of things:

 • GnomeDateEdit is utterly deprecated, and has been for more than 5 years
 • even if there's a bug in that widget, it's very, very much unlikely
that you'll ever see it fixed

you can implement your own DateEdit widget with a GtkButton and a
GtkCalendar inside a GtkWindow of GTK_WINDOW_POPUP window type,
positioned relatively to the GtkButton's allocation coordinates.

On 21 February 2014 04:59, John Coppens <j...@jcoppens.com> wrote:

> When editing the date manually (without the calendar dropdown), no
> 'change' signal is emitted, even after exiting the widget. I find this
> rather strange - how do I detect changes?
> I found an example in a tutorial, but it only connects to the
> 'change' signal, so it wouldn't receive those 'manual' changes
> either.
> Maybe I could connect to the change signal of the embedded entry,
> but that would probably defeat any validation checks.

validation is only performed on the contents of the entry when the
date and/or time buttons are clicked. you can force a "clicked" signal
emission, but the children of DateEdit are private, so you cannot
really access them.

to be fair, that entire widget is a train wreck; you'd be much, much
better off with a custom widget that implements your own semantics.


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