On Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:25:27 +0000
Emmanuele Bassi <eba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> that never happened because nobody used that widget either. :-)

Sorry for the name confusion, Emmanuele (though I suspect this is not the
first time :)

I have been using gtk for many years now, and have the impression that 
gtk+ use overall is in decline. Maybe those deprecations
have something to do with it.

> ... I think every
> application exposing a date uses its own widget, and not two date
> selection widgets look alike.

Which seems logical, as gnomeDateEdit is marked as deprecated, warnings abound
about not using gnomelibs, and no alternative exists. I doubt that would have
happened if a GtkDateEdit would exist. I also doubt that the diversity is a
good thing: a unified and consistent interface is important for users (and

Just checked, Qt has a QDateTimeEdit widget, which permits manual editing,
setting format, and enabling a Calendar popup if needed. So I guess there is
a clientele for that.

Thanks once again, I'll have a look at the libegg version.

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