On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:12 PM, John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.us> wrote:

> Sure. But dbus provides services which are provided by notifications and
> AppleEvents on OSX. If a supposedly cross-platform  application supports
> only the dbus way, it turns out to be pretty autistic on OSX. I don't think
> that it's all that common for OSX users (aside from the few Fink and
> MacPorts users who are trying to replicate an entire Linux environement) to
> run more than one or two dbus-using apps, and they aren't able to
> communicate with other OSX application or OSX itself unless those channels
> are separately implemented.
> So maybe g_dbus isn't the right place for the abstraction layer; it could
> be one of the implementation layers.

i think that is precisely what is being proposed:
GApplication/GtkApplication as the abstaction that covers notifications etc,
and an implementation for a given platform. the linux/X11/FD.org one would
use DBus. apps that choose to use DBus directly will be assumed to want
something specific that DBus offers, and not a generic platform-agnostic
"application abstraction".
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