On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 1:14 PM Peter Weber <peter.we...@ttyhoney.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> On Sat, 2016-07-09 at 19:06 +0000, philip.chime...@gmail.com wrote:
> > I'm expecting this will become less and less of a problem as apps move
> > to Flatpak as a means of distribution.
> Uhuuu. I'm sorry, but this is bad.
> This mixes two completely different problems together, packaging and a
> toolkit. So enforcing Flatpak on distributions, developers and users
> should solve a problem with Gtk+?

No, nothing about any of this proposal forces people to use Flatpak.

The problem Emilio mentioned was,

> some third party apps pick a dependency on the vte for GTK+ 4.2 but don't
update it for GTK+ 4.4, as then distros would need to ship an increasing
number of versions that are unlikely to get any support upstream.

In my opinion, the expectation is that app developers who sign on to the
unstable series will see it through until the next long-term stable
release, and not abandon development while still targeting an unstable
release, leaving distros to package GTK 4.2, GTK 4.4, VTE-for-GTK-4.2,
VTE-for-GTK-4.4, etc. because apps are all stuck at different versions.

Of course, nothing is stopping developers from doing that anyway. The same
way nothing is stopping me right now from putting this line in my app's
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([APP], [gtk+-3.0 >= 3.18 gtk+-3.0 < 3.20])
However, if I did that then any distros trying to package it would quite
rightly complain.

I'm saying that if an app developer feels the need to do that, then they
will be better off targeting a Flatpak runtime.

Having said all this, I'm thinking about sketching out a proposal that
doubles down on Flatpak like Jasper was suggesting. Paradoxically I think
it might seem more palatable to more people... more updates later.

Philip C
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