--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> rib.  Another tick I learned from a Yamaha factory
> instructor when I had an
> XS Eleven was to drill 4 separate 1/4 inch holes in
> a place so that each carb
> would get the same amount of air.  The GTS air box

I saw some "holes" in a catalog--they hold a chunk of
foam to keep the chunks out of the airbox--I think
they were 1" in diam. each.

> be 
> much smaller.  You can drill these holes in the GTS
> air box on the bottom
> and still have it filtered.  This gives you a 1 inch
> total opening as if you 
> instaled
> another intake port.  It has made some difference
> and I believe that in time 
> I 
> may increase the holes a tad bit and cut back on the
> tubes that come in from
> the outside.  These tubes are located where I don't
> think they are the most 
> effective.  

I think the tubes are located where the air is most
still and not too hot--makes it easier on the
injection to do a good job
>     The jet kit and Tormignomi pipes on my Duck you
> have to leave off the 
> top part of the air box.  When you open it the noise
> is like having a 4 barrel
> Holly double pumper in your face.  But you do get
> the job done.  

Big holes are a famous FJ tuning trick to get big jets
and loud pipes to work.  I always think I want more
power but really have plenty.  Looking for a good air
filter system that does not rely on replacement.  I
like two sets of foam or gauze to rotate, but that's
just me...

  As with the
> crank vent system the
> next I go into mine if there is a layer of oil in
> there it may show that 
> these holes
> have allowed not enough vacuum to draw the vapors
> and oil drops on to the
> inside of the airbox.  

Good point--one I had failed to consider...  

Yamaha calculations
> figured that this was enough
> but they are trade offs that they had to consider. 
> That's my .02&1/2.
> Ken Swartz

Thanks again for all the help!

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