On 2/24/23 3:51 PM, Maxime Devos wrote:
On 25-02-2023 00:48, Maxime Devos wrote:
(**) For compatibility with Racket, it's not like we couldn't
implement both "#lang" and "-*- stuff: language -*-".

TBC, I mean ‘only support #lang' for values of 'lang' that Racket supports’, or alternatively ‘support #lang for compatibility, but recommend -*- ... -*- in the Guile manual.’.

The point of this is to tell the compiler what language it needs to parse,
if not the default (Scheme).  Using `#lang pascal' or `#!lang pascal' allows
the compiler to figure this out in the first few characters read. Using
`-*- lang: pascal -*-' might require the compiler to read a lot of text (not knowing if what text is comment or not) to determine if language has been specified.
For the `-*-' based design, is there a maximum number of characters to be
read before deciding?


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