Ludovic Courtès writes:

> Now, as someone who doesn’t use GNOME, I wonder if NM would work well
> for me.  Last time I tried it’s CLI was too low-level to be usable, and
> I don’t remember seeing a curses interface.  Suggestions?

I would welcome some improvement here, or insight on my part.  Since I
moved away from desktop environments, wicd has not not worked for me and
I have been using ifconfig, wpa_supplicant and dhclient manually.  That
has removed my dependency on something like NM and it's apparent
inherent magic...but it's rather painful.

Seems like I don't have a concrete suggestion here, just a feeble wish
to have networking as simple and crisply declaritively configurable as
the rest of GuixSD.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> | GNU LilyPond
Freelance IT | Avatar®

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