Pierre Neidhardt <ambre...@gmail.com> writes:

> I would like `git send-email` to use the credentials from ~/.authinfo.gpg
> to send patches to the Guix mailing list.
> While not related to Guix code per se, I'm posting this here because I
> primarily use `git send-email` for Guix and I suppose people around here
> must have an answer to that question.
> Or else how do you people configure `git send-email' to not prompt for a
> password?
> All I've found so far is this:
> https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/contrib/credential/netrc/git-credential-netrc

At first blush, this looks like the right solution given your problem
statement.  I believe this is actually included in the Git source under
the contrib/credential subdirectory.  We just don't build it today.
Perhaps you could submit a patch to build it?  I wonder if it would be
simpler to define a separate package that builds it from the source
you've linked above, rather than trying to build it within the (already
rather large) Git package definition.

I type my password when I invoke git-send-email, and it makes me a
little sad inside every time, so I'd love to be able to use this!


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