Hi Paul!
Sorry fot the delay.

> I have been able to match the aspect ratio of the cli videos to the
> nocli videos.  With ffmpeg there is a filtergraph that can be added to
> pad the images.  The result is a smooth transition between the two
> types.  There is no longer flickering or crashing in the players I have
> tested.
Can you tell me which players work for you? I tried with my browser
and it still tells me that the file is corrupt :/
> The fix is commit 7c5db139081c37cbd4896628e38f5bff8dc5427e.

> Great.  One thought I had on the timing of the cli videos is that there
> are two durations at work.  Firstly, the frame rate and the number of
> frames:
> duration1 (in seconds) = number of frames x 25
> Secondly, there is the duration of the audio file (duration2).
> Should we check that duration1 approximately equals duration2?  Or
> possibly the audio file should always be slightly shorter than the
> duration of the frame display.
I didn't notice this. Is it possible to make the audio shorter than
the first duration?
Regards :)

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