Hi Paul!

> This plays at the right speed for me in Videos/Totem (version 3.26).
Don't know what happened. I deleted all the videos and made them again
and now I don't see that issue anymore.

> duration1 (video stream):  1 minute 29 seconds
> duration2 (audio stream):  1 minute 18 seconds
> This difference may be treated in a different manner by different
> players.  It may be necessary to add silence to the audio stream to
> equalize the durations and allow reliable concatenation without re-
> encoding.
For this, what I could do is generate the cli sesison video with the
"silence1.mp3" to have duration1, and then compare it with the
duration of cli1.mp3 (for instance).  Then, run a script comparing the
durations while duration2 < duration1 append silence1.mp3 to cli1.mp3.
And finally use the generated cli1.mp3 as the input matching the video
I find a little bit manual, but I don't mind doing it if you find it OK.

Regards :)

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