Hi Paul!

> Working on the timings for 02-daily-use1 I have found that I have
> needed to make a couple of changes to the 'hesitate' procedure in the
> screen script.  I have been finding that the pause introduced by the
> sleep command is not accurate, making it difficult to set the right
> values in the sessions files.
> I wonder whether you have noticed the same effect?
I didn't, but I have to admit that my timing was kind of homemade, I
tried to match the audio with the video as exact as possible.
> To improve the accuracy I have changed the procedure definition to use
> a scaling factor of one thousand, to go from milliseconds to
> microseconds, and have increased the chunk size to 2 ms.  The Guile
> documentation for usleep notes that many systems round the interval
> specified up or down and are unable to achieve accuracy to the
> microsecond level.
> After some testing on the system I am using to build the videos I found
> that 2 ms was the optimum value.  With this value '#:sleep 30000', for
> example, produces a pause of 30 s.
> I will commit the change so that you can test it too.  If we keep the
> change it will mean re-checking the timings in the session files.
> However, I think that this will be necessary to make the adjustments in
> the total durations for Firefox.
I see. I was testing with the current screen file. Please, let me know
when you push the changes so that I make all the videos again and
adjust what is necessary. And thank you for helping with this :) I am
really amazed at how much you know!

Regards :)

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