Begley Brothers Inc transcribed 2.6K bytes:
> Hi,
> Over the last 24 hours I've experienced `guix pull` etc being
> unavailable (HTTP 504's then 502's) more than available.
> Is there a reason why a post receive hook can't be added to the guix
> repo to push to github, gitlab, etc. and in that way at least give
> users some protection against these outages?

I suspect this is mostly project guidelines which disocurage this (see
GNU Free Systems Distribution Guidelines). I don't know if I'm correct
about this, so one of the project maintainers will likely comment.

> There is a mirror[1] possibly (unofficial?) but it looks like it is
> driven by some chron task.
> The required post receive hook is well documented[2], and not
> un-common amoung reputable OS projects:
> - Android
> - The Apache Software Foundation
> - The Chromium Project
> - The Eclipse Foundation
> - The FreeBSD Project
> - The Glasgow Haskell Compiler
> - The Linux kernel source tree
> - Qt
> [1]:
> [2]:
> -- 
> Kind Regards
> Begley Brothers Inc.
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