
zimoun <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> skribis:

> The date Nov. 6th seems a more reasonable target as a release date.

Works for me!

> From what I am reading,
>  - the tests of the installer are work ongoing
>  - important packages updates are also ongoing (Julia, OCaml, ...)
>  - fixes
>  - manual typos and various improvement
>  - staging is freezed

Do we want to merge ‘staging’ before the release, though?

> Committers, the project keeps moving forward because you not only push
> your own awesome changes, but also offer some of your time reviewing
> and pushing other people’s changes. As a committer, you’re welcome to
> use your expertise and commit rights to help other contributors.
> [quoting the manual ;-)]

+1!  We’ve accumulated a serious backlog on guix-patches.

> The bug #43591 [0] hitting --system or --target (I am still confused
> which one. :-)) is in progress.  And these architectures will not be
> released, right?

I don’t think anything can be done for this release; I believe
resolution of #43591 will have to wait until after the release

> The proposed coming timeline is:
>  - freeze starting the Oct. 26th
>  - last round for testing all over the week
>  - unfreeze the Oct. 29th and then create the branch
>  - minor bug fixes and all the papeword around (NEWS, blog, etc.)
>  - release Nov. 6th.

Overall LGTM, but could you clarify what you mean by “freeze” on
Oct. 26–29?  No “important” changes to ‘master’, including to the
manual, is that correct?


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