Hi Ludo,

Thanks for the links, it's a good starting point.

> For the record, you can read about Guix roles and responsibilities at:
>   https://guix.gnu.org/en/blog/2019/gnu-guix-maintainer-collective-expands/

I think a good next step would be to store this information at a more
accessible location on https://guix.gnu.org.  A visitor looking for this
kind of information may not think to browse the blog entries.  It's
also not convenient, since it gets buried deeper and deeper as articles
get published.

> The “Contributing” section of the manual discusses specific policies:
>   https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Contributing.html

This page mentions the code of conduct, which gives some guidelines on
communication, but as I understand it, it does not say anything about
structure or governance.

The code of conduct itself could be expanded.  For a start, we could
address some characteristic communication issues that have occurred on
the mailing list over time.  For example, we could add a section on
"Accountability != blame", to paraphrase Jelle.
Another section (a very important one in my opinion) could be about
giving the benefit of the doubt and _ask why_ before policing someone.

Food for thoughts!


Pierre Neidhardt

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