On 8/23/23 9:33 PM, Ahmed Khanzada via Development of GNU Guix and the GNU System distribution. wrote:
My wife and I are currently trying, so I hope to be a busy parent soon too!

Good luck to you!

The debate comes down to: the people contributing the most code already
have a very familiar workflow that they have automated (all probably within
Emacs). Why should they change their contribution model for those who
don't contribute much currently, and may never do so? (Not implying this
is you! Just recounting the debate).

I know it's not your argument, but do you see the circular logic?

This type of "reasoning" is used to great effect in society to maintain an "in group" and an "out group". E.g. "There aren't a lot of paralyzed people at the top of these stairs, so why should we build a ramp if there's no one to use it?"

But you're not asking that; you just want to lower the cognitive overhead.

Thank you for acknowledging my central point.

I can't do much about the brutal learning curve of Emacs, Guix, and GNU,
but I certainly can just package it so it's all ready to go with fancy
scripts for the most common workflows.

I don't mind the learning. I actually think I know everything that should be done, it's just very cumbersome and error-prone to do everything, every time.


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