
The command “guix edit” returns “+N path/to/file” that is then passed to
$EDITOR.  Therefore $EDITOR needs the command line:

    $ $EDITOR +N /path/to/file

Well, that is accepted by many $EDITOR, to my knowledge.  At least,
Emacs, Vi or less are fine with it.

However, some other $EDITOR does not.  I have in mind “kate” or

    $ kate -l N path/to/file
    $ code --goto path/to/file:N

This had been raised in #44272 [1].  The current fix is to wrap $EDITOR
and then make the current correct call.

The question is:

  do we tweak “guix edit” for behaving differently depending on $EDITOR?


  do we provide some wrappers for the issues that already popped up?



1: https://issues.guix.gnu.org/44272

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