> We are talking about social rules that we have here in the Guix
> community not legal/state rules.

ethics, i.e. the discussion of rights, is a branch of philosophy.

ideally, it should inform the people who are writing and enforcing state laws, 
but these days -- sadly -- it has precious little to do with state laws. and i 
think you're the one here who conflates the two.

> Specifically the social rules that we support trans people and we want
> to include them. Any person really that want to change their name at
> some point for some reason.
> To that end we listen to their concerns/wishes and we accommodate them.

i've asked you this before, and i'll keep asking it: sure, accommodate, but to 
what extent? what is a reasonable cost i can incur on others? (see the 
discussion of negative vs. positive rights in this context)

what if i declare that i only feel accommodated here if everyone attaches the 
local weather forcast to each mail they send to guix-devel?

the limit of your demands begins where it starts to constrain the freedom of 
others. considering this is an essential part of respectful behavior towards 

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
        — Carl Jung (1875–1961)

          • ... Tomas Volf
            • ... Attila Lendvai
          • ... bae66428a8ad58eafaa98cb0ab2e512f045974ecf4bf947e32096fae574d99c6
        • ... Ian Eure
          • ... MSavoritias
      • ... pinoaffe
  • Re: Conce... Olivier Dion
  • Re: Conce... Ludovic Courtès
    • the ... Giovanni Biscuolo
      • ... MSavoritias
        • ... Attila Lendvai
        • ... pelzflorian (Florian Pelz)
        • ... pinoaffe
          • ... Giovanni Biscuolo
            • ... MSavoritias
              • ... Philip McGrath
            • ... pinoaffe
        • ... Hartmut Goebel
          • ... MSavoritias
            • ... Ekaitz Zarraga
            • ... Development of GNU Guix and the GNU System distribution.

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