Hola colegas,

Desde hace una semana soy propietario y dueño de dicho celular y lo
estoy investigando en sus partes desde hacia dentro, conectado por SSH
a través de Wifi o de un cable de USB, por ambos se puede entrar
libremente (hasta hacerse root con 'sudo su') en este servidor pequeño
que corre un núcleo de Android (por
lo de los drivers) y encima de esto un Ubuntu 14.10 (r20) normal. Os adjunto
primeros resultados (en inglés) y un screen que muestra la pantalla del
celular en mi escritorio de KDE4 en mi netbook. Especialmente lo último,
conectar así el celular y mostrar sus funciones en un escritorio, y
a través de esto con un vídeo-beam, es muy útil para dar charlas o

Ya tenemos el tema de una pequeña conferencia en mi próxima estancia.

Un abrazo


Matthias Apitz, g...@unixarea.de, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-170-4527211
"Wenn der Mensch von den Umständen gebildet wird, so muß man die Umstände 
menschlich bilden."
"Si el hombre es formado por las circunstancias entonces es necesario formar 
las circunstancias", Karl Marx in Die heilige Familie / La sagrada familia (MEW 
2, 138)

Este mensaje ha sido analizado por MailScanner
en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos,
y se considera que est� limpio.

------------ próxima parte ------------

Things to note (unsorted until now) about the BQ Aquaris E 4.5 Ubuntu phone
                      Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de>

1. the files (pictures, ...)  end up in:


   you may copy file to ~/Pictures/com.ubuntu.camera/ but the app only accepts 
.jpg files;

2. SSH-in is even possible when the device is locked and black; don't know
   if this is intention that it does not suspend; the config goes like this

   How to get SSH access to the ubuntu-phone:

   see also: 

   login via terminal app, you will be user 'phablet' (the password is the 
unlock number)

   enable SSH service:

   $ android-gadget-service enable ssh

   fetch your public key to the Phone from some place:

   $ wget http://www.unixarea.de/id_rsa.pub
   $ mkdir .ssh
   $ chmod 0700 .ssh
   $ mv id_rsa.pub .ssh/authorized_keys

   Now you can look up your IP on the phone and use ssh to connect:

   $ ip addr show wlan0|grep inet

   from your workstation use:

   ssh phablet@<IP from above command>

3. the touchscreen is capacitive (the Openmoko FR is resistive) which makes it
   difficult to use some pen;

4. the available disk space is like this:
   Filesystem                                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
   /dev/mmcblk0p6                               2.0G  1.6G  369M  81% /
   /dev/mmcblk0p7                               4.4G  273M  4.0G   7% /home

5. JPEG fotos are of the following dates:
   $ jhead image20150329_183823514.jpg 
   File name    : image20150329_183823514.jpg
   File size    : 568513 bytes
   File date    : 2015:03:29 18:39:43
   Camera make  : bq                             
   Camera model : Aquaris E4.5                   
   Date/Time    : 2015:03:29 18:38:24
   Resolution   : 2448 x 4352
   Flash used   : Yes
   Focal length :  3.5mm
   Digital Zoom : 1.140x
   Exposure time: 0.030 s  (1/33)
   Aperture     : f/2.4
   ISO equiv.   : 132
   Whitebalance : Auto
   Metering Mode: center weight
   JPEG Quality : 80

6. USB:

   for networking the bq supports tethering via a usb device (run the 
   following in the terminal app or via adb):

   $ android-gadget-service enable rndis

   that will switch USB from MTP to tethering and create a 'rndis0' network 
   whith the IP addr;
   it offers to the connected computer an IP via DHCP (somehow it takes 

   and SSH is fine too as:

   $ ssh phablet@
   Welcome to Ubuntu Utopic Unicorn (development branch) (GNU/Linux 3.4.67 
armv7l) > 

   I fill figure out how to permanently set this IP addr inside the Ubuntu,
   maybe an DHCP-server on the host side is to much.

   $ netstat -rn
   Kernel IP routing table
   Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt 
Iface         UG        0 0          0 
wlan0   U         0 0          0 
rndis0 UH        0 0          0 
ccmni0   U         0 0          0 

   How can I set it as default to rndis enabled?

   Oliver Grawert:
   ou cant, it is hardcoded on boot to always have working mtp (until
   here is a UI option to turn it on or off, we want regular users to
   lways be able to exchange files), but you can override it in a user
   pstart job that runs at a later point ...

   create /home/phablet/.config/upstart/rndis.conf with the following
--------------- snip ------------------
start on started indicator-network


    android-gadget-service enable rndis
end script

--------------- snap ----------------

7. maps && OSM app



8. capture the MIR screen for presentation, talks etc.

   launch on the phone my script ~/cast.sh which will do:

   srcIP=`echo $SSH_CLIENT | cut -f1 -d' '`
   printf "mirscreencast'ing to %s port %s\n" $srcIP $port

   while true; do
     mirscreencast -m /run/mir_socket --stdout --cap-interval 10 -s 270 480 -n 
6 || break
   done | gzip -c | nc $srcIP $port

   the IP addr is the laptop via USB tethering (Wifi seems
   to be to poor for the mass data of the frames);

   and launch first on the host the presenter script
   ~/readScreenCast.sh which does:

   # read the 'mirscreencast' from the Ubuntu phone's MIR server
   # see there 'cast.sh'
   # co g...@unixarea.de, April 2015
   nc -l 12345 | gzip -dc |\
       mplayer -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo fps=6:w=270:h=480:format=rgba -

   works fine!

to be continued
------------ próxima parte ------------
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