Il 24/03/2011 10.47, Manuel Madrid ha scritto:
> Hello Wolfgang.
> The aim of this tool is just to allow the user to easily add to gvSIG
> whatever add-on (e.g. plug-ins, symbols, manuals, etc.) from a
> repository or directly from a file.
> So far the repository has those plug-ins that has an individual
> installer (network, normalization, remote sensing, topology...).
> The tool is still under development (obviously it must be improved) but
> we decided to include it in gvSIG 1.11 as we consider it was
> interesting. The main thing the user should take in account is to be
> careful with non-official and/or devel add-ons. They may cause errors.

Hi Manuel,
I think it was a good idea to include it in gvSIG 1.11 (not only in 
2.0)! gvSIG user manual inclusion (available in the help menu) is 
another great improvement! Many thanks.


Antonio Falciano

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