In the 3D Points script it appears this full solution, creating a new shape to export the result.

To create a new shape you will need something like this. You just will need to change the geometry type to adapt it to your needs:

(Shape with a schema based on a existing layer)

    layer = gvsig.currentLayer()
    features = layer.features()

    #Create schema based on a existing schema
    sch = gvsig.createFeatureType(layer.getSchema())
    #We modified the geometry field of that schema for the geometry type that 
we want
    sch.getDefaultGeometryAttribute().setGeometryType(geom.POINT, geom.D3)

    #new shape
    shp = gvsig.createShape(sch, prefixname="points3d")

(New shape with new schema)

    #Create schema based on a existing schema
    sch = gvsig.createFeatureType(layer.getSchema())
    sch.append("ID", "INTEGER", 10)
    sch.append("GEOMETRY", "GEOMETRY")
     #We modified the geometry field of that schema for the geometry type that 
we want
    sch.getDefaultGeometryAttribute().setGeometryType(geom.POINT, geom.D3)

    #new shape
    shp = gvsig.createShape(sch, prefixname="points3d")

In this shape (that should be in editing mode because you just create it), you could directly append values, commit the changes, and add the layer to the View



El 14/10/16 a las 19:21, Silvia Franceschi escribió:

I need to export the results of my elaborations of intersection in a new file, possibly not overwrite the old one.



On Oct 14, 2016 4:29 PM, "Óscar Martínez" < <>> wrote:

    No problem at all! :)

    Sorry, i'm not sure what do you want to do.. create a new
    shapefile and work with it? or export (make a copy) of a existing

    El 14/10/16 a las 15:33, Silvia Franceschi escribió:
    Hi Óscar,
    always me.. :-)
    is there also a way to write a layer in a shapefile directly from
    a script or do I have to load it in gvSIG and save it from there?



    On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 1:54 PM, Silvia Franceschi
    <>> wrote:

        Thank you Óscar for your detailed explanation and your help!


        On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 11:59 AM, Óscar Martínez
        < <>> wrote:

            Reading again your email maybe this also answer your

            Inside the script you can make a: print dir(layer) and it
            will show you the avalaible functions of that type of object.

            El 14/10/16 a las 11:26, Óscar Martínez escribió:

            Hi Silvia,

            |    Is there a way to know which functions are
            implemented for each feature type in gvSIG scripting?

            If i understand correctly your question.. Quick answer,
            all. Since 2.3, we are not working with a different
            library for scripting. We improved the way to work
            directly with the JAVA API, plus new functions (like..
            createShape(schema)), methods (like.. getValues() over a
            feature to return a python dict) and new classes (like..
            FormPanel to create scripts with graphical interface),
            all to make it easy and quick to work from scripting.
            Not sure if is a good way to say it (just to explain
            this better), but we could say right now is the java api
            who hasn't have all the funcions implemented.

            As you can see in the script, type(layer) and
            type(features) are java objects.

            Running script.
            layer type:  <type
            layer features:  <type '
            Script terminated.

            So, you should be able to check the javadocs, and use
            all the functions that are in there:




            Plus all from scripting (we are updating this javadoc,
            soon will be more complete):


            Deleting features should be something similar to this
            (delete all features with a filter "ID < 10"):

            # encoding: utf-8

            from gvsig import *

            def main(*args):
                """ Delete features inside a layer"""

                layer = currentLayer()
                features = layer.features("ID < 10") #DefaultFeatureSet

                print "layer type: ", type(layer)
                print "layer features: ", type(features)


                for i in features:
                    ivalues = i.getValues()
                    print ivalues
            features.delete(i)#delete over the featureset


            Best regards,

            El 14/10/16 a las 10:53, Silvia Franceschi escribió:
            Hi Óscar,
            the scripts work fine, many thanks again!
            May I just ask you one more question?
            Is there the possibility to remove a feature from a
            list of features? like featureslist.remove() or
            something like that?
            I tried with remove and delete but it seems that these
            do not exist, any idea?

            Is there a way to know which functions are implemented
            for each feature type in gvSIG scripting?



            On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 6:25 PM, Silvia Franceschi
            <>> wrote:

                Thank you Óscar,
                to tell you the truth I started to use currentLayer
                but, since I need to work with two layers I didn't
                know how to do and tried to load data from files.
                And in any case the final script should work with a
                list of shapefiles in a folder, so, I will for sure
                move to the file based data source at some point.

                I was following the documentation you linked, it is
                very useful to start to get familiar with the
                scripting environment, thanks!

                I will try the scripts you sent to me and let you
                know if I will solve my problems.

                Thank you very much for the quick answer!


                On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 6:00 PM, Óscar Martínez
                < <>>


                    If i understood correctly, you don't need to
                    use the getSchema function. I'm going to give
                    you my solution with two test layers, give it a
                    try and tell us if that works for you or what
                    exactly more do you need. If you don't
                    understand some part of the script i can
                    explain it better. Some help is inside the
                    script, step by step.

                    I recommend to you to start learning scripting
                    using the functions currentLayer() (current
                    layer selection in the table of contents) or
                    currentView().getLayer("layername") instead of
                    using loadShapeFile everytime. It's easier if
                    you just have a loaded layer in your view and
                    access to each one each layer with currentLayer
                    o getLayer.

                    If someone on the list want to know more about
                    this part of scripting, here are some links
                    from the spanish docs (hope soon in english)
                    related to this post:

                    Access to features:

                    Spatial operations:

                    Current functions:

                    Any trouble here we are!

                    Best regards,


                    Script (layers of this test are in EPSG:25830)
                    (feature AREA1 is a multipolygon):

                    # encoding: utf-8

                    import gvsig

                    def main(*args):
                        # You need to have one view with to layers
                    opened on it
                        # The name of the layers will be the name
                    that appear
                        # in the table of contents of the view

                        # To access to the layers that are already
                    loaded in gvSIG
                        # gvsig.currentView() give us access to the
                    opened view
                        # gvsig.currentView().getLayer(name) give
                    us access a specified layer
                        points = gvsig.currentView().getLayer("points")
                        area = gvsig.currentView().getLayer("area")

                        # Access to the features
                    features_points = points.features()
                    features_area = area.features()

                        # if you want access to a selection of
                    features, not all
                        # you will have to change `features()` with
                    #features_points = points.getSelection()
                    #features_area = area.getSelection()

                        for farea in features_area:
                            print "\nChecking : ", farea.get("localId")
                    geom_farea = farea.geometry()

                            #for each area, check all points
                    without intersection
                            for fpoint in features_points:
                    geom_fpoint = fpoint.geometry()

                                if not
                                    print "\tArea: ",
                    farea.get("localId"), " intersects with :",
                                    # work with the feature

                    Console output:

                    Running script testing_silvia_intersec.

                    Checking : AREA1
                        Area: AREA1 intersects with : 101
                        Area: AREA1 intersects with : 102
                        Area: AREA1 intersects with : 103
                        Area: AREA1 intersects with : 107

                    Checking : AREA2
                        Area: AREA2 intersects with : 103
                        Area: AREA2 intersects with : 104
                        Area: AREA2 intersects with : 105
                        Area: AREA2 intersects with : 106
                        Area: AREA2 intersects with : 107
                        Area: AREA2 intersects with : 108
                    Script testing_silvia_intersec terminated.

                    El 13/10/16 a las 15:05, Silvia Franceschi
                    Hi all,
                    I am trying to write my first script in gvSIG
                    and Python, I need to read a point shapefile
                    and filter some elements that are outside a
                    defined area.
                    To do this I have to read two input layers,
                    one with the points and one with the area and
                    then work on each single features of the point
                    I started with the selection of the input
                    layers using a filechooser dialog
                    (commonsdialog.filechooser) and then I need to
                    obtain the schema of these layers, but it
                    seems that the object filechooser do not have
                    the .getSchema() function.
                    Do you have any idea on how to obtain the
                    schema from a vector layer selected using the

                    Thanks in advance for any help!


-- ing. Silvia Franceschi
                    Via Latemar, 22
                    38030 Castello di Fiemme (TN)

                    tel: 0039 -3384501332 <tel:0039%20-3384501332>

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            38030 Castello di Fiemme (TN) tel: 0039 -3384501332

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