Gwyddion 2.47 is now available for download at
  (all released files)
  (source code)

Released files are signed with PGP/GnuPG key

  "David Nečas (Yeti) <>", id 62A07732
  fingerprint = 263F 9B1E C1E0 5261 C689  D83B 00FD D1D0 62A0 7732


This is a stable version continuing the 2.x series, backward compatible with
previous 2.x versions.

More information about Gwyddion is available at

Bugs should be reported to

the mailing list, or the project's web forum at SourceForge.


Summary of changes:
- Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.
- Dependencies: Configure now warns if FFTW is unavailable or disabled.  The
  library will become a required dependency in a future version.

- libgwyddion, libgwydraw, libgwyapp: Simple structs such as GwyXY and GwyRGBA
  now have on-heap constructors (mostly helping language bindings).
- libgwyprocess: New single-step tip modelling functions, either for fixed
  model size or optimised for a certain height range, with more general
  model parameter handling.
- libgwyprocess: Elliptical parabolic tip model was added.
- libgwyprocess: Fast Laplace interpolation function
  gwy_data_field_laplace_solve() was added.
- libgwyprocess: GwyShapeFitPreset 3D geometrical shape fitting preset class
  was added, making available the functionality of Fit Shape in the library.
- libgwyprocess: Parabolic bump function was added.
- libgwyprocess: Helper function for grain pixel size calculation was added.
- libgwyddion: GwyNLFitter has an option to reduce ordinate value differences
  using the local function derivative, approximating a geometric fit.
- libgwyddion: GwyNLFitter has accessor functions for all the useful data
  so it is no longer necessary to poke inside the struct.
- libgwydraw: gwy_selection_set_data() broken in 2.46 (and affecting selections
  in several modules) was fixed.
- libgwyapp: Data browser data lists scroll to show the selected item.

- Graph logscale (new): Physically transforms graph to logarithmic scale.
- Pygwy: Large number of functions were added and fixed, some of the fixes
  involved API changes: redundant list length parameters disappeared, structs
  such as RGBA are now Python classes, silly function names (a_something...)
  were sanitised.  Syntax highlighting in the console should work again in
  MS Windows.
- Image export: Inset scale bar label can be placed either below or above the
- Statistical functions: Cumulative height distribution supports masking.
- JPK: Compilation failure when minizip is not available was fixed.
- Fit shape: Module was rebased on the GwyShapeFitPreset library functions.
- Object synthesis: Parabolic bump shape was added.
- Lattice synthesis: Several new lattice types were added: Penrose, Cairo,
  snub square, Si 7x7 reconstruction.
- Nano Measuring Machine: Can handle data larger than 4 GB points total on
  64bit systems (but not more than 2 GB per channel).


Thanks all who contributed,


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