Gwyddion 2.50 is now available for download at
  (all released files)
  (source code)

Released files are signed with PGP/GnuPG key

  "David Nečas (Yeti) <>", id 62A07732
  fingerprint = 263F 9B1E C1E0 5261 C689  D83B 00FD D1D0 62A0 7732


This is a stable version continuing the 2.x series, backward compatible with
previous 2.x versions.

More information about Gwyddion is available at

Bugs should be reported to

the mailing list, or the project's web forum at SourceForge.


Summary of changes:
- Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.
- Toolbox editor: Action names are shown translated.

- libgwyddion: GwyResults, a new helper for formatting sets of scalar values.
- libgwyddion: New GwySIUnit format styles (Unicode, VF TeX).
- libgwyddion: GwySIUnit tries harder to find value formats with prefixed units
  like µm² instead of 10⁻⁹ m².
- libgwyddion: GwyContainer methods for getting lists of keys under given
- libgwyddion: Sorting function for doubles that also returns the permutation
  and sorting function for integers were added.
- libgwyddion: Functions for finding k-th ranked values and percentiles of an
  array were added.
- libgwyddion: A trimmed mean function was added.
- libgwyddion: A function for angle (direction) canonicalization was added.
- libgwyprocess: New FFT-based correlation search function with local leveling,
  score calculation and masking support.
- libgwyprocess: Broken ‘Ring’ shape parameter estimation was fixed.
- libgwyprocess: Functions for calculating various standard peak-based
  quantities from GwyDataLines were added.
- libgwyprocess: 2D autocorrelation function supporting masking was added.
- libgwyprocess: Harris corner filter works correctly for non-square images.
- libgwyprocess: Function for DataField size reduction using binning.
- libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_new_rotated() actually works correctly for
  data fields with non-square pixels.
- libgwyprocess: New exterior type, Laplace, was added for field extension.
- libgwyprocess: New grain quantities: Minimum and maximum Martin's diameter
  and the corresponding directions.
- libgwyprocess: Triangulation was improved.  It should be much less prone to
  crashing and also able to triangulate more point sets.
- libgwydgets: Mixed up clockwise and anticlockwise rotation icons were fixed.
- libgwyapp: GwyResultsExport GUI helper for result set saving/copying.
- libgwyapp: Window positions are only restored when the monitor configuration
  remains the same.

- Binning (new): Reduces image size using binning.
- Rod deposition synthesis (new): Generates (modifies) surfaces by elongated
  particle deposition using a simple dynamic model.
- Pile up synthesis (new): Generate (modify) surfaces by piling up geometrical
- Convolve (new): Convolves two images.
- SPC file (new): Imports Thermo Fisher SPC files.
- Nanonis DAT spectra (new): Imports bias spectroscopy data.
- Dimensions and Units (image): Spurious value changes should not longer occur.
  Current dimensions are also displayed.
- Dimensions and Units (image and volume): Broken Z factor adjustment was
  fixed.  Current dimensions are also displayed.
- Grain statistics: Renamed to Summary in the menu; a new function displaying
  means and variations of grain quantities was added as Statistics.
- Pygwy: A number of optional mask (and other arguments) are really optional
  in Python, allowing None to be passed.
- Nanoscope: Force files in 32bit raw data format used since 9.2 should
  actually be loaded correctly now.
- Mask by Correlation: Renamed to Correlation Search, added support for
  masking, method list was updated.
- FFT profile: Line thickness (averaging) and windowing type can be controlled.
- ACF 2D: Has a GUI now, supports masking, can pre-level the data, extract
  radial ACF profiles and calculate some statistical parameters.
- Filters tool: Mean value filter uses circular kernel instead of square.
- Statistical Quantities, Statistical Functions and Row/Column Statistics
  tools: Apply button is insensitive when ther is no curve, some repeated
  recalculations were fixed.
- Statistics Quantities: Quantities Sp, Sv and Sz were added.
- Object synthesis: Hexagonal pyramid, full sphere and nuggets shapes were
  added.  Feature up/down direction is now an arbitrary fraction.  There are
  new is now options to avoid stacking vertical placement character.
- Roughness tool: Sm and Ry were added.  Rz taking into account peaks twice
  (instead of peaks plus valleys) was fixed.
- Curvature: Result export now includes file name and channel information.
- Fractal dimension: Result table can be saved/copied to clipboard.
- ASCII export: Optionally, all channels can be exported to one text file,
- Tip operations: Tip selector intersecting with the label was fixed.
- NMM file: Profiles are rotated to lie along the X-axis.
- Sensofar: Updated for newer versions of the PLu file format (up to 2013).
- Align rows: Trimmed mean and trimmed mean difference levelling methods were
  added.  Images are no longer rotated by 180 degrees in vertical mode.
- XYZ Rasterize: Possible crash when the region was longer along X than along Y
  was fixed.
- Limit Range: It is possible to give percents of data values to remove
  instead of height values.
- JPK: Critical warning when computed data are present in force files was
  fixed.  Pause segments are ignored more thoroughly so they should no longer
  cause file load failure due to non-uniform channel lists.

- Compilation: Module bundling and configure file format summary were fixed to
  work with BSD sed.
- Compilation: PYTHON_INCLUDES and PYTHON_LDFLAGS can be overriden on all
  systems, not just MS Windows.


Thanks all who contributed,


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