Marc Carlson wrote:

From: Cynthia Virtue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I've heard people rant about not calling tunics-with-gores/godets
"T-Tunics" but I'm not sure why.  The top is shaped like a T, even if
the skirt area spreads out.  Could someone enlighten me?

My understanding is (and it may be flawed of course) is that "T-tunic" has traditionally referred to the fold over cut and sew up the side, but otherwise unconstructed sort of tunic. When you start attaching sleeves, or sticking in gores, you are making a constructed garment.

Pesonally, I'm not thrilled with the term T-tunic in the first place, but whatever.

Around here we tend to use "t-tunic" for a simple gored and gusseted model. The fold-over-and-cut-out model is _very_ uncommon here.

Adele de Maisieres

Quot homines, tot sententiae.
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