> and my favorite:
> "Moda a Firenze: Lo stile di Eleonora di Toledo e la sua influenza"
> No, she didnt have the flu, but she did have money.  I bought 3 copies
> if this one knowing my friends would scream "dibbs". They did. It's
> basically QEWU for Eleanor & Florence.  Authors are on staff at the
> Pitti Palace home of Eleanor's burial gown.  Text is Italian &
> English, side by side. The english leaves something to be desired.  It
> can be both amusing and frustrating at times.  Doublecheck by reading
> the Italian, if you can. (I cant, but fake it with French.)

I just ordered a copy via mail and it is fabulous!!  Well worth the almost
$100 that I paid for it.  And I wasn't expecting it to be in english, too.
 That was a bonus.

And I am sure that you paid much less than I did so make sure your friends
appreciate how much money you saved them ;~>


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