> http://www.hermitagemuseum.org
> click on English
> go to quick search and type in A.Alessandro, click on go
> scroll down to the paintings, click on "next 5-16 matches"
> click on "next 17 - 28 matches".
> scroll down to #25
> You probably have seen this. Someone has it on their website.
> Eleanor has a high collared cream dress with a light teal sleeveless
> overdress that has red and gold embroidery on it.
> I like this site as you can zoom in much better. Her dress is pleated
> w/red
> and green braid holding it in place w/matching pleated sleeves. Wonderful
> details.

I agree that the portrait is beautiful but I don't think it is Eleonora of

Firstly it doesn't really look like her and secondly, the new book that I
have entitled "Moda a Firenze 1540-1580: Lo stile di Eleonora di Toledo e
la sua influenza" has this portrait listed as "Portrait of a Woman" by
Alessandro Allori 1580-1590.  In a book about Eleonora of Toledo, I would
think that if the portrait were really of her, this book would say so.  It
is a lovely portait, though.

And there are many other portraits that I hadn't seen before that are in
the book I mention above.  It is very much worth the $100 for anyone who
is passionate about Italian Renn clothing!


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