On 9/8/05, Suzi Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am sorry to disagree with you, but whalebone for corsets is totally
> flexible. I inherited a gross whalebones from a corsetiere - they are
> maybe from the 1940's or 50's. 
Interesting.  What a completely different experience.  Wish you were
even in the same hemisphere so I could have a look.
How thick are the bones in the corset?  (Do they differ throughtout
the corset?) The various ladle handles were .75 to 1 square cm, too
thick for corsetry. I believe the Sothebys guy said they'd been heated
to meld them into decorative twists. Perhaps there is a processing
difference. Oh boy, another bit of curious minutia to track down. If I
had a nickel for every bit of minutia...
Cynthia Barnes

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