Kimiko wrote:

> Read _The Cult of Elizabeth_ by Roy Strong (isbn 0-7126-6481-5)
> That's exactly what Strong suggests was done, since the Catholic faith was
> no longer the state faith. It's a lot more complicated it would seem than
> that, but Elizabeth became an icon for her people. It just didn't happen
> overnight, however.

Well, it's good to know it had SOME context. But still, the way it was
portrayed in the movie -- I just had to laugh! Not appreciated by the whole
audience, I know, but I like to hope there was at least one person who was
silently giggling. 

I've never read Roy Strong. Of course Elizabeth became an icon, but I don't
think she just looked at a statue and decided to slop on some white makeup!
And that's pretty much what the movie said.

I remember, at the time the movie came out, someone on this list posted how
silly it was that Elizabeth wouldn't have known that her lover was married.
(I forget his name -- sudden blank mind.) And of course, it was ridiculous.
The whole movie was ridiculous.

Gail Finke

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