Hello everyone,

I was hoping that any of you who use silk taffeta in your costuming could
help me......

I have been told that dupioni is not really appropriate for historical
costuming but I know that many of us use it to cut down on costs.  Taffeta
is closer to the weave/weight/sheen that is appropriate for the 1500's
through the 1800's but it is more expensive.

I have a supplier that has a nice range of colored taffetas but I am not
sure if the price is reasonable or not.

If you use silk taffeta, what do you typically pay per yard for it?  What
colors would you like to be able to find?  Any other input?  (Please
respond to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that we don't clog up the list)

Thanks for your help!  And if I can offer silk taffetas at good prices, I
will do so.

Happy Sewing,


"Everything for the Costumer"

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