Quoting michaela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


Got 'em!  I knew that I had pictures of those sleeves.  :-)  Both of
these paintings are in the new book "Moda a Firenze" on the influence
of Eleanor of Toledo.  The book covers Florentine Style from 1540-1580.
It's *wonderful*  My copy of the book isn't here yet, (I fondled an ILL
copy) but the best place that I found to get it was from this site in

Sigh, I so need to get this book out on ILL. I "do" German and Netherlands,
but it's always exciting to see good clear images from other countries as


Thanks for those:) Actually I spotted a few more in that style on bildindex.
I did a search for bildnis with the date ranges 1500 - 1600 and trawled
through over 3000 images;)

Cool.  I haven't figured out how to search that site yet.  At one time,
I was pointed to an enormous collection of Sofonisba Anguissola
paintings there, but everything that I pull up on her now from that
site  has much fewer paintings.  How did you set up your search?

Niederlande?, Bildnis der Lavinia Fontana, 1501/1600?, Bild, Brüssel,
Sammlung unbekannt

I like Lavinia.  :-)  the gown is black, the underskirt is gold, and
those are pearls on her sleeves.

Bronzino, Agnolo (Zuschreibung), Bildnis einer Dame, Bild, Berlin, Sammlung
Schmidt, Carl (?)

One very similar to this on is in the book (attributed to Pulzone) --
looks like the same face.  The body of the gown looks like it might be
needlepoint or cross-stitch in the book image.

Bronzino, Agnolo (Nachahmer), Bildnis einer Frau / Bildnis einer Frau
(Bianca Capello?), Bild, Köln, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, WRM 3473

There's one similar to this by Allori.  The sleeve puffs are different
-- in the Allori portrait, they're not lined up.  The fabric in the
Allori portrait is black with a gold stripe in it.

Bronzino, Agnolo, Bildnis einer adeligen Dame, Bild, Florenz, Galleria degli
Uffizi, Pinacoteca
Ya, got me, she's not at all dressed the smae;) I just like her partlet.

This one is in color in the book.  Isn't that partlet just too cool?

Susan Farmer
University of Tennessee
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

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