Also don't mix bleach with Lime-Away. My husband was cleaning his bathroom last year. He picked up what he thought was an empty unmarked spray bottle, and poured bleach into it. The bottle instantly started foaming and overflowing. He poured it down the shower drain. The bottle once had Lime-Away in it, and the bleach and Lime-Away had a BIG chemical reaction. My husband immediately started coughing violently and throwing up. I rushed him to the hospital... he had chlorine poisoning. My adult children called 911. A hasmat team and the fire dept. came and quartentined (sp) the house for 24 hours. They had to flush all the drains in our house to the sewer line in the street.

This chemical reaction happened in seconds. Since then, every unmarked bottle that comes in our house is labeled with a permanent marker. Thankfully because I got my husband to the hospital quickly, he did not have a permanent damage to his body. I can tell you that by the time we got to the hospital, his pores were excreting chlorine.

Penny E. Ladnier
The Costume Gallery,
Costume Classroom,
Costume Research Library,

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