I sometimes am able to piercing the 'stem' sufficiently to sew them on.
When this fails, I encase the 'stem' in a very tight binding of leather or
felt and then sew it to the hat.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dawn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 11:08 AM
Subject: [h-cost] attaching feathers to a hat

> I'm curious, those of you who make or wear hats... how do you keep the
> feathers on? I've got two purchased hats and it seems the feathers are
> always sliding out of the hatband, especially when it's windy (which it
> is constantly here in the midwest). The quill part seems to be so thick
> that the pressure of the hatband itself isn't enough to hold it, moreso
> when there's more than one.
> Is it possible to use pins? I can't see pins going through the thickness
> of these two hats, or the feathers (without splitting them). Safety
> pinning to the band is just ugly.
> Dawn
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