I'd recommend against the plastic route. At least against the plastic boning you can get at JoAnn's -- I'm pretty curvy and have had two types of trouble with the plastic stuff: (1) in the heat of wearing it (and possibly lacing tight enough so my chest stays put - I have about a 10" difference between ribcage and bust line - almost entirely in the front - the plastic "melts" into my curvy shape, rather then making me nicely tubular. (2) The ends of the plastic tweak and buckle something' awful (and they _hurt_ when they do it, too!).

Thanks for that piece of advice.  We have much the same problem -- I
boned an Italian bodice with That Stuff, and found that those ends do
indeed hurt where they decide to poke you -- and they *will* poke you
...  I had never tried an Elizabethan, but I want to.

Jerusha, filing away *very* useful information
Susan Farmer
University of Tennessee
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

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