That has certainly been my take on it for years! The so called care label
puts the blame on the owner or outside establishment if the garment fails to
survive the cleaning.

Besides the "Talon (zipper) ads, remember the Union Label (buy American!)
ads when all the new fibers began to come out in the 1950s? Some of the
American labels such as Jonathan Logan took great pride that you could
depend on their products not to shrink or misshape in the wearing (and

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Leah L Watts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] abuse of fabrics (aka care and washing)

> > One of the things I learned in my studies was that legally, clothing
> > manufacturers have to put a care label on their garments, and they
> > have to
> > test the garment in what ever method they recommend.
> Not that all manufacturer's actually _test_ the garments ... I think
> Tommy Hilfiger still holds the record for biggest fine from the FTC for
> inaccurate care labels.  There's a fashion boutique that opened recently
> in Omaha that is already notorious among the local dry cleaners; the
> company I work for has told everyone to refuse garments from them because
> they cannot be dry cleaned regardless of the care tag.
> >For *most*  garments,
> > regardless of fiber content, the easiest and cheapest route is to
> > label the
> > garment "Dry Clean Only". This way they are not responsible for the
> > poor
> > results if the garment is cleaned some other way, and they have to
> > spend
> > very little money researching other cleaning methods.
> I've always suspected "Do Not Wash, Do Not Dry Clean, Spot Clean Only"
> was a synonym for "We Couldn't Be Bothered To Test This But Don't Want To
> Be Held Responsible".
> Leah
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