Greetings, all.

I am helping with a fundraiser for the March of Dimes. It's a silent auction/live auction/dancing/socializing event, and the theme is "Let Them Eat Cake", in the style of Marie Antoinette. Instead of catered dinner, the food will be desserts. So we are trying to play up the frothy, festive, over-the-top attitude. I need to dress about 6 actors in the style, but I want to make the costumes less cumbersome, and hopefully easier to do than "real" 18C.

Please and thank you: I need ideas from all you guys - any suggestions are welcome! Anyhoo - I'm thinking of having my women wear fishnets and dance trunks, and constructing some sort of pannier/skirt to tie around the waist. What movie am I thinking of (or play?) that had panniers made of some king of sparkly tubing, worn without an overskirt? Aaaargh. And how can I make some "easy" corsets in the same style?

I've got $5 long blonde wigs from WalMart which i can build into the extreme style I want, using tulle to add volume. But please put on your thinking caps for the rest of the garb. (I need suggestions for men's garb as well.)

TIA from a grateful fellow garbwhore.

Allison P.

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