Zuzana asked:

> >  does someone know how the tippets used to be attached to the 
> >dress? By pins? Or were they sewn-on?
> >  http://vieuxchamps.com/persona/enlarged/wg/wpic7.php

Astrida replies:

> Current scholarship is that they aren't a separate accessory at all--
> they're the vestigial long pointy sleeve (morphed over time into a
> thin streamer) as seen hanging from a short-sleeved overdress. That's
> why they're so often white (and so often with little black specks)--
> that's the ermine lining of the sleeve.

Zuzana, Astrida may have given you all the information you need, but if
you want to see the "current scholarship," you'll find it in a paper I
wrote a few years ago: "The Tippet: Accessory after the Fact?" in Medieval
Clothing and Textiles 1, ed. Robin Netherton and Gale Owen-Crocker
(Boydell, 2005). If you have trouble getting your hands on this, contact
me privately.


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