On Apr 18, 2007, at 2:47 PM, Julie wrote:
Apparently I have these links saved at home and not at work. There are several sites devoted to frogs, Chinese knotting. A Google search should turn it up...but look for monkey PAW rather than claw. There's another name as well...Turkish something.

There are two different "Monkey's Paw" or "Monkey's Fist" knot.

There's the coil-style (as found by Sharon):
It can be formed around a core (as in the link above) or without a core (as in Sharon's link), and can produce a very nice ball either way.

Turk's Head knots are different.
The basic Turk's Head is a decorative wrap or fastening, made around a cylinder. Totally not what we're looking for here.

The Turk's Head style "Monkey Paw" is formed flat and then bent over a core. It gives a different look than the coil-style monkey's paw.

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