> With regular dry cleaning they put the garment or textile into a 
> machine 
> and agitate it, which stresses it much more than hand dry cleaning,  
> which seems similar to flat washing where you sponge the soap 
> through 
> the cloth. 
And given the government restrictions on dry cleaning solvent, I think
you're going to have problems finding someone who can do this, ESPECIALLY
in California.  The only thing I can think of would be to contact some of
the industry associations (such as the International Fabricare Institute,
http://www.ifi.org/) and see if they have anyone they can recommend.  Or
see if there's someone using alternative solvents in your area -- I
believe the liquid CO2 method requires a pressurized machine, so wouldn't
work for you, but I don't know about Rynex or GreenEarth.

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