I'm a dinosaur computer programmer - assembler language on a giant mainframe. Been doing that for 28 years. Yes, there are still some things that mainframes do better and faster than anything else. Hubby is a stockroom coordinator (aka Jack-of-all-trades) for a retail store.

We do primarily fantasy/science fiction costuming, mostly original designs. A large number of them have a historical or ethnic design base, so stuff we learn here is valuable. Stuff gets done in evenings and weekends, we work slowly, and many times there is a last-minute scramble to finish before an event. We have no kids, but 5 cats do demand their share of time.

Sandy (and Pierre)

"Those Who Fail To Learn History
Are Doomed to Repeat It;
Those Who Fail To Learn History Correctly --
Why They Are Simply Doomed.

"The Illusion of Historical Fact"
 -- C.Y. 4971


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