Hi Alexandria, 

> I am preparing to begin on my version of the gown
> shown in the Pelican portrait of Queen Elizabeth I,
> Nicholas Hilliard, circa 1574.  (...) 
> I have been contemplating whether to make this a
> trained gown or not, (...)

I have already made the 'Pelican' portrait gown; see
my site here: 
where I have published a rather large dress diary for
the gown I made. I didn't train my skirts; first due
to the lack of fabric and second I think it's more
comfortable this way ;-)

> One of my problems on this decision is that much of
> my research was done several years ago, and I have
> spent the time collecting the "right" fabrics and
> working on other projects so that now that I'm
> ready to start this one, I am having to recheck
> everything.

Perhaps my dress diary can help you a bit. The making
of this gown took me five months; during that time I
have constantly written that diary with all thoughts I
had, so maybe it can be of use to you. Might be a lot
to read, but will probably give you some ideas :-)

Best wishes, 

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