Robin, sorry to have confused your message header - I came into this thread 
late and didn't read the beginnings of it.
  However, I'm delighted to have contacted you. I've seen your name on the 
Lists to which i subscribe many, many times, and know the esteem in which you 
are held by others whose particular interest is historic costume.
  My own theory about the apparent lack of study of the Henry VII period for 
English clothing is that there doesn't seem to have BEEN an "English Fashion". 
By everything I've read, the general conclusion I've drawn from the works of 
others who've studied and researched far more deeply than I - is that - due to 
the social "uncertainty" arising from the power struggles of the WotR, England 
didn't have the peaceful conditions which would have allowed/encouraged the 
development of an "English Fasjion". By everything I've read, - from about 
1450, until the Accession of Henry 8th,  - English "fashions" were heavily 
influenced by those of the "most brilliant" Court" in Europe, that of Burgundy, 
ruled over for much of that time by Princess Margaret of York, from her Capital 
at Mechelin in Flanders.
  I won't try and drag you further into a  discussion on this when you are 
concentrating on another topic, - but such a definitive book is still on my 
wish List.
  Julian Wilson, [in 2007]
  "Matthew Baker"  [lifelong Liegeman to Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond, and 
then King of England, - in the SCA]
Robin Netherton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A well-researched and well-illustrated book [or 2, or 3] about
> English middle-class and upper-class Dress in England during the
> Reign of Henry 7th.
> Almost every book I've been able to look at purporting to deal
> with "Tudor Dress or Costume" slides over the Reign of Henry
> 7th (1485-1509) as though he never existed; - and begins in
> 1509 with the Accession of Henry 8th!.

I agree with you on that one. And there are very few scholars doing work in 
that period right now, I've noticed.

However, I think you (and a few other people) may have read only my subject 
line and not my message, in which I indicated I'm collecting headwords for 
entries (not book topics) for an encyclopedia covering Britain from 450-1450. 
Sorry I wasn't clearer.

Many many thanks to those of you who are sending me ideas for headwords, both 
on- and off-list. I've collected quite a few that we hadn't yet considered, and 
I expect we will be using many of them. Keep 'em coming!


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