At 01:43 04/12/2007, you wrote:
On Monday 03 December 2007, Cin wrote:
> It's that time of year: holiday parties, winter balls, company dinners,
> New Years Eve, cocktail parties,12th Night, You might even be
> planning a sojourn to a balmy tropical locale.  Whatever the reason,
> h-costumers are probably making something.  So, what's your
> dressmaker's dummy wearing today?

My metaphorical "dummy" (the clothes hanger than I use for this purpose) is
still wearing the stand-collared linen shift that I mentioned the last time
this meme came up on the list.  ON the other hand, it's done except for the
seam finishing, and I'm making sufficiently good progress on that that I
expect the thing to be finished before the end of the year, and then I can
start the wool tunic I'm aiming to do next.  :-)

Mine has an 18th century dress for a dance company, embroidered polysilk, ruffles, falaballas and all. The embroidery hoop has the quilted lining for my DIL's work basket, only about 18months late. The bag by my TV chair has a cardigan in the knit, and the bag under the table has a crocheted butcher boy cap that I pulled out and need to start again.

And this is called retirement?


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