> Interesting.  My daughter mentioned malaria but I told her it 
> couldn't be that because it's tropical.  Cholera was mentioned as 
> well.  I was thinking along the lines of the horrible influenza in 
> the U.S. in 19...teens that killed so many.  Wasn't it called the 
> Spanish Influenza?

I've seen references to malaria in England in Victorian times, but don't
have the books handy right now.

And yes, the 1918 pandemic was known as the Spanish Flu (despite starting
out in Kansas, USA).  Sweating sickness doesn't quite match the 1918
symptoms ... but flu viruses are so mutable, you really can't go by that.

Costume content, costume content, there's gotta be some around here ...
"America's Forgotten Pandemic" has several references (and photos) of
people wearing gauze masks to protect themselves from the flu.  Anyone
ever do a Costume Con historical masquerade entry from 1918 with flu
masks?  (It'll be Milwaukee before I can go again, but I'm trying to
decide on an entry early.)

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