Hi all,

I just pulled down a huge box from the top of the
closet and found a bunch of stuff from high school.
Most of it is crap, but there are a half dozen or so
magazines (Tiger Beat or whatever) that fall into the
category we called "Beatles magazines". They're full
of the Beatles and other teen stuff, including
current, mid- to late-60s  fashions. If you want them,
I'm willing pack em up and send 'em for shipping costs
from California.

There are also a number classic Lord of the Rings
calendars, for you fantasy costumers. These are from
the mid 70s, mostly by the Hildebrandt brothers, and
one by Tim Kirk (autographed on the box it came in!).
Same terms. 

Help me clear my closets! First come first serve.


Vikings? What Vikings? We are but poor, simple farmers. The 
village was burning when we got here.

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