Have you looked at "The Workwoman's Guide" by a Lady?  It was published 
originally in 1838, and republished in 1986 by Opus 

On page 110 of my copy is a description (with a tiny pattern elsewhere) of a 
"High Full Gown, to open in front" ... "particularly 
suitable for house-maids, dairy or kitchen maids, chair [char?] and 
washerwomen;"   I'm betting there are other descriptions, but 
I'm not finding them at the moment.

   Deb Salisbury
   The Mantua-Maker
   Designer and creator of quality historical sewing patterns
   Renaissance to Victorian

> Does anyone know of any quotes or pictorial sources for what house maids
> or a ladies' maid would be wearing in the 1830s-40s?  I have been asked to
> make servants' dress of this date for historical interpretation, and am
> trying to find a source to replicate which will challenge the black
> gown/white apron look, which our visitors seem to associate with them.

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