-----Original Message-----
otsisto wrote:
> http://www.artsmia.org/viewer/detail.php?v=12&id=547

<She is wearing a fantasy creation that combines the most recognizable
elements of the sideless surcote (which was traditionally used for St.
Catherine but is by now a century out of date) with a hodgepodge of elements
of more recent
styles. The dress most definitely never existed.

This one will have to go into my collection of "weird Catherines." I have a
lot of those.

The same artist did multiple Catherines. Compare the Minneapolis example
with this one at the Philadelphia Museum of art, likely painted a decade or
more earlier:
He did a lot of other paintings of female saints, too -- it was a specialty
of his, apparently -- and I'm sure he mixed and matched elements repeatedly.
What threw me off is that the front, because of the "chains"? looks like a
wide front Burgundian. The belt is similar the belts worn with the wide lace
Scroll down.


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