>From an Australian living in Australia:

It looks like a rabid version of the flag-wavers Chips Rafferty made in the 

Visually, it is very good so long as you do not mind a parade of film and 
cultural cliches.

The plot is senseless and, although that does not matter if a story is well-
told, this is not well-told. It's full of solemn joy, stereotypes that belong 
in bad newsreels, historically innaccurate racism aimed at making the film 
makers feel good, pointless nobility regarding the nature of nature, and 
product placement.

The only thing more parched than the desert is Kidman's forehead. Even 
Jackman's warmth and talent cannot save this mess.

Oh, and if toughened stockmen and others were to have danced they way they do 
in Darwin when it rains, they would not only have been run out of town, they 
would have been run out of town soaking wet as it rains well and often in that 

In short, I asked for my free ticket back,


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